Everyone’s Free to Wear Sunscreen

Everyone’s Free to Wear Sunscreen
Created: March 2020

This Kinetic Typography piece is from a clip from Quindon Taver’s song Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen, originated as an essay written as a hypothetical commencement speech by columnist Mary Schmich, published in June 1997 in the Chicago Tribune. The essay gives several pieces of advice that is delivered in an often humorous manner, about how to live a happier life and avoid common frustrations. The style treatment for this project is clean and the type has a calm energy that moves in relation to the pace of the words being spoken. ​I wanted to start off with a serious tone then contrast with more fun visual treatments of the type to complement the humor of the audio.​ I incorporated playful elements of the typography to reflect the context of the speech as well as developed a modern aesthetic for the project design.​